Photo: Getty Images/Flashpop
Remember back when you were going to school? You hated math. You even told people "Why do I take this crap? I'm never going to use it right?" Well, that may be true in some jobs, but for others, math is still king.
I mean there are the obvious jobs where you'll use math like a banker, cashier, accountant, stripper.....(what?? I guess you need to count your tips), but did you even think about you need math for things like recipes, paying your bills, and how long it will take to get somewhere. (We all wish the travel time on the Tesla or your GPS was the best way, but we know the truth deep down." The thing is, you'll be surprised at some of the careers that you'll need math for.
Here are a few that you would never expect:
- Gardener. You need math to figure out how much supplies you need to cover an area, and more. Especially if this is your business. Waste can kill your profit.
- Architect. They need to be well schooled in geometry. Geometry is hard, but so is the ground if the building comes crashing down.
- Artist or sculptor. they need to know geometry, PI, volume, and more. Hello...because shapes
- Sound engineer. Math concepts include frequencies. Again, if you know you know
- Meteorologist. They need to carry out scientific analysis
- Game Designers. This career is loaded with different types of math. We think this math would be fun. Well, only if your character doesn't get stuck in a game glitch
- Astronomer. Plenty of math is needed for computer programming and modeling. Stop....too much math LOL