Photo: Getty Images/PeopleImages
If you're one of the people like Jrod you suffer like no other from seasonal allergies. It could be a runny nose, tight chest, it's all terrible. So now that spring is here you're probably ready to chop that nose off of your face, or pray you can find some relief for your misery. Have you tried changing up some foods that you're eating? Give us a second here.
You probably know that spicy foods can just help get the congestion moving, and it's jalapenos, wasabi, horseradish and ginger, which can cause your nose to constrict, your eyes to burn and make tears roll down your face. Peppers contain capsaicin which is an active ingredient in some nasal sprays and these other foods contain compounds that do the same thing to your body.
Enter Dr. Morris Nejat, an allergist and immunologist. He says some foods “innervate different parts of the body, reversing some of the effects of histamines, which can be a natural relief to some of the symptoms of allergies.” He claims that eating spicy foods are actually analternativeto pharmacy relief medications in many cases. Get some details HERE, and of course, check with your own doctor first!
It's always worth a try, especially if you are a person who suffers, but you also really really love hot chicken wings!!