Photo: Getty Images/FlippoBacci
So you're still looking for that special someone. So you think digital dating might be good for you. In fact they say that 'Digital Daters' can tell if they even have a connection with you after just 30 seconds on a video call. That doesn't seem very fair right? They could be missing out on something because they judged wrong. But Virtural dating has soared by 36% during the lockdown, with 6 in 10 singles admitting tey enjoy the "new dating normal." Good news is one in four will continue to keep up virtural dating even after lockdown fully ends, to screen out the bad apples while still searching for romance. The study also found that in addition to first impressions, virtual dating does speed up relationships on several levels. An online date can take an average of 60 minutes, compared to 86 minutes in person. BTW, it's also cheaper too. Saving the daters $20 per date, which it totally more bang for the buck, especially when you don't have a lot of cash coming in. They research also found that 55% out of 1,000 daters surveyed felt their virtual relationships moved along much faster then they would have at first in person, and 45% are more likely to make a relationship exclusive if they've been on a virtual date.
So are you willing to give this a try?