While all of us hope to find love one day, what it takes to find that perfect someone may take a big bite out of our wallet. Going out on dates can quickly add up financially, so it’s not much of a surprise to discover that a new survey finds singles spend the most money dating.
The poll, conducted by Giftcards.com, finds that singles spend about $146 per month dating, while those in a relationship spend $139. Those who are married spend the least, at $130. But while married couples spend the least a month, they actually spend the most per date, $54, as compared to those in a relationship $44, and those who are single $43.
When it comes to couples who are in a relationship, if a person believes their partner is marriage material, they’ll likely spend more for special occasions. When it comes to birthdays, a person will spend $155 if they think things are headed towards marriage, while they’ll only spend $99 if it seems unlikely. Same for Christmas, where those in a relationship will spend $166 if the person is marriage material, but $129 if they’re not.
A new poll finds singles spend the most money on dating
Singles spend about $146 per month dating, while those in a relationship spend $139 and those who are married spend the least, at $130
Marrieds spend the most per date, $54, as compared to those in a relationship, $44, and those who are single, $43.
So are you saving money or spending the most