Same Guy Ticketed 2 Days In A Row For Excessive Speeding in OKC - 94MPH!

Oklahoma City Police issued a warning to drivers today by showing the picture of a radar unit that clocked a driver for going 96mph in a 55mph zone. The crazy part? The SAME driver was pulled over by OKC Police for doing 81mph in that SAME AREA along NW Expressway near Piedmont Road.

"2-days….same guy….2-tickets.

One of our motorcycle officers ticketed a guy going 81mph in a 45mph zone yesterday on NW Expressway near Piedmont Road. This morning same guy going 96mph in a 55mph zone in the same area.

Driving nearly twice the speed limit is dangerous, please be sure to slow down and get to your destination safely. The fine for speeding 26mph over the limit in OKC including court costs is $213.00 and could also result in a suspended drivers license.

Stay safe everyone."

Many in the comments are questioning why the driver wasn't arrested for Reckless Driving and his vehicle wasn't impound. As of the time of writing we haven't seen OKCPD address those questions.

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