No, "Keto Crotch" Isn't A Real Thing - Doctor Responds

The Keto diet seems to be the new 'it' diet trend right now. It involves eating very little to no carbohydrates and an increased amount of fats. It forces you into ketosis which burns fat instead of carbs. Thanks to a recent Women's Health article a thread titled "HELP LADIES!" showed up on Reddit with a very 'smelly' question. The person shared that they've been "very, SMELLY" asking followers of the thread if the change could have to do with yeast dying off or hormonal changes from the diet. It appears according to Lauren Streicher who is the medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause and gynecology at Norhwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine that it's certainly possible. She told the Huffington Post "while it's certainly possible that diet can have an impact on vaginal health, there is no scientific evidence to provide it, and myriad of potential causes for odor to exist"

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