If you've been on Facebook this weekend you might have seen one of two messages ...
Version #1:
"Heads-up!! Almost every account is being cloned. Your picture and your name are used to create a new face book account (they don't need your password to do this this). They want your friends to add them to their Facebook account. Your friends will think that it's you and accept your request. From that point on they can write what they want under your name. I have NO plans to open a new account. Please DO NOT accept a 2nd friend request from 'me'. please forward to all your contacts."
Version #2:
"Hi....I actually got another friend request from you yesterday...which I ignored so you may want to check your account. Hold your finger on the message until the forward button appears...then hit forward and all the people you want to forward too....I had to do the people individually. Good Luck!"
The Good News ... Facebook accounts can't be cloned. Someone could create a new account with your name and picture though and send requests to your friends or family to try and get money from them. They could also send a virus through Facebook messenger.
Facebook told WSYR-TV "there is no known uptick in cloned accounts this week, but the warning being sent around could be going viral out of fear."