Making plans for a first date can be tricky. There’s a lot of pressure to pick the perfect thing to do and impress the object of your affection, but you’re still just getting to know each other, so it’s not always easy to do. But some guys know what makes a great first date and these fellas were happy to share their advice when someone asked for best first date ideas on Reddit.
- Have a contingency plan - “Ideal first date is definitely quiet-ish bar. Alcohol helps with the first date jitters. You or the other person has multiple “exits” via the end of a round of drinks (in case of a bad date).
- Go with the flow - “Totally depends on the girl and how we met. But, I’m still a purist who likes to do dinner. If we’re hitting it off, then I’m all for doing something else after.”
- Get to know your date - “The goal would be to have fun but also have a chance to talk. So like a reading or a lecture where we can speak/chill before or after the event.”
- Being thoughtful goes a long way - “I prefer to do whatever the other person enjoys doing. So even if I plan the date, I’ll take the girl’s interests into consideration.”
- This guy gets points for valuing his date’s company - “I wouldn’t do any type of event (sports game, show, movie, etc.) because then the event is the focus, and you’re trying to get to know each other on the first few dates.”
- Give yourself an out - “Something easy so I know she isn’t boring or crazy or whatever. Drink, snacks, things that can take 30-minutes if needed, and extend it if we have a good time.” Keep it fun and friendly - “First dates are more or less just getting to know one another. Odds are you’re friends, or on friendly terms, so both of you are openly interested, or bored. Try to do something that you both can have fun with.”
Source: Elite Daily