If you break up with someone and the relationship wasn’t a total disaster, you might think you guys should still be friends. It’s a mature thing to do, but transitioning from a romance into a platonic relationship can be challenging. And if you give friendship with your ex a chance, you need to be able to recognize if it’s holding you back from moving on with your life. These are the warning signs to watch out for.
You’re still doing IT - Some people can have a friends with benefits situation and not get all wrapped up in the emotional side of it. But sex with an ex is a different beast. If this is the only person you’ve slept with post-breakup or if it’s keeping you from getting out there and meeting potential new partners, you might want to reconsider.
You’re not dating, yet still make plans together - Not every once in awhile, but All. The. Time. If you guys meet up for a bite to eat and live music on Saturday, have brunch together, and catch movies together...it’s like you’re dating all over again. And that’s completely fine, unless you’re in the market for a new relationship.
Someone is more into it than the other - It’s really common for one ex to still be holding out hope for reconciliation while the other thinks they’ve moved successfully into the friend zone. If you’re friends with your ex, make sure you’re both honest about your feelings so no one gets hurt, again. You’ve already been through this breakup once, you don’t want to have to relive it.
Source: Hello Giggles