Janet's Chic Chat

Janet's Chic Chat

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10 ways to turn around a crappy day

Being in a bad mood is no fun!  Let's get back to fun with these ways to turn around a crappy day!

1 - Embrace your bad mood.  Accepting the fact that you're in a terrible state will actually help make the negative perception of the day go away faster.

2 - Take advantage of your bad day by tackling a task.  Research suggests that people who feel sad perform better at detail oriented tasks and negotiate more effectively than their happy counterparts.

3 - Consider how you may have played a part in the day's outcome.  Go over the day's events and consider where you might have played a role as things went wrong.

4 - Focus on gratitude.  Create a list of everything that makes you feel thankful.  This could be as simple as noticing that you heard your favorite song.

5 - Ask a friend to go for a walk with you.  Studies suggest that the simple act of going for a walk can improve your mood.

6 - Find a furry friend.  Research shows that pet owners may have better wellbeing.  

7 - Indulge in a little "me time."  Sometimes you just need a little time out from things that are bothering you.

8 - Get into #beastmode.  If you go to the gym then go in a bad mood and put that energy into your workout.

9 - Put your bad mood into perspective.  If you find yourself having thoughts about the entire day being ruined just remind yourself that all is rarely ever lost and things will likely get better.  The Chainsmokers have a great quote, "Is is really a bad day or is it just a bad 10 minutes that you've been milking all day!"

10 - Find the silver lining.  There's power in looking on the bright side.  

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