Ed Sheeran's Back On Twitter

Ed Sheeran shut down his Twitter account  after being trolled over his “Game of Thrones” cameo, but his departure from the social media site didn’t last for long. Less than 24 hours after disabling his account, Ed made it active again, although he hasn’t commented about why he took it down in the first place.

Meanwhile, "The Huffington Post" speculates that the “Game of Thrones” reaction may not have actually been the reason for Ed’s brief departure from Twitter. They note that it could have had something to do with a recently published Buzzfeed article,  “24 Tweets Ed Sheeran Will Probably Delete Soon.”

The article features several old tweets that some may consider a bit sexist, including a 2012 post where he wrote, “Men getting ready is throwing on a t shirt, underwear and jeans. Women, please learn from this, it shouldn’t take an hour to dry your hair,” and another from 2011 that read, “Also, since not drinking, I’ve gone from a medium to a small. God I sounded like a woman there....”

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