Pink is a multi-tasking mom but a recent photo of her doing just that is causing a bit of a stir on social media. The singer just shared an adorable photo of her making dinner at home, with infant son Jameson in a carrier, and daughter Willow looking on while perched on the counter.
While the picture may seem innocent enough, that didn’t stop online trolls from criticizing Pink for having her two kids so close to the stove.
“Cute photo but please don’t cook wearing the baby,” one person wrote. “I’ve read some really horrific stories about terrible accidents that have occurred doing this.” Meanwhile another added, “I babywear all the time except when I’m cooking hot meals. The better alternative, I suppose if you really must, would be wearing the baby on your back. Not directly facing the hot stove.”
Of course she got her fair share of positive feedback as well. “Awesome pic! It's an exact description of a mother's job!,” wrote one fan, while another added, “I love this picture so much! It shows the reality of momhood.”