When it comes to enjoying our favorite foods, everyone has their own style. Some folks like to stick candy bars in the freezer so they’re super cold when they bite in, but to others, they’re better when they’re on the warm and melty side. There’s no science to back up our personal preferences, but to some people, there’s really only one way to enjoy certain foods. And according to them, this is how you do it.
- The RIGHT way to eat Skittles is to divide by color and then proceed.
- The RIGHT way to eat a PopTart is to eat all the sides first and save the yummy center for last.
- The RIGHT way to eat mac and cheese is to get one noodle on each prong of your fork.
- The RIGHT way to eat a candy corn is to bite it color by color.
- The RIGHT way to eat a Kit-Kat is to bite off all the chocolate and save the wafer until the end.
- The RIGHT way to eat ice cream is to let it melt a little and stir it into ice cream soup.
- The RIGHT way to eat a Reese’s cup is to nibble on the outer edges and save the amazing center to devour last.
- The RIGHT way to eat Twizzlers is to bite off the top and bottom edge then use it for a straw.
- The RIGHT way to eat string cheese is by peeling it.
- The RIGHT way to eat Bugles is to stick them on your fingers and pretend to be a witch.
- And the RIGHT way to cut and eat a sandwich is diagonally, so you have triangles, not rectangles. Sorry, it’s just a fact.
Photo: Getty Images Juan Napuri/EyeEm