Pink Claps Back At A Troll Who Called Her Old

Pink isn’t about to let someone insult her on social media and keep quite. Case in point, the singer recently clapped back at an online troll who had the nerve to suggest she was looking old.

After the troll in question tweeted “Wow, Pink looks so old she should be named Purple instead,” Pink did not hold back. “You must be from la. Well, there are a few people left in the world that choose to age naturally. And I’ve earned every f**king minute of my 38 years,” she tweeted. “How you lookin though? Cause I never heard of ya til you put my name in your mouth. I shall call you little purple troll.”

She also added, “I am of the mindset that it’s a blessing to grow old. That if your face has lines around your eyes and mouth it means you’ve laughed a lot. I pray I look older in 10 years, cause that will mean I’m alive.”

And after a fan responded by saying that she couldn’t wait to see Pink when she’s 80 and still doing aerial stunts, Pink replied, “You know I will! I’ll call it “the wrinkles and rolls tour.” 

Photo: Getty Images/ Samir Hussein

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